Making Wire jewelry and wire working with Joy Raskin 6/29/24

Making Wire jewelry and wire working with Joy Raskin 6/29/24


One Day Workshop

Saturday, June 29th 10:00 to 4:00PM

Material Fee: $TBD

Explore the wonderful world of working with wire. Wire is such a fascinating, flexible medium that you can do so much with it. We will coil, wrap, tinker, weave, twine, braid, crotchet, knit, twist and much more to make all kinds of fabulous jewelry and accessories. Wire is not just confined to jewelry, but can be used to make vessels, baskets, lampshades and other wonderful home accessories. Even sculpture can be created with wire. Best of all, it's low-tech and does not require a lot of fancy tools to work with. A couple of pliers, wire cutters, masking tape, a Sharpie marker, a mallet, a steel square and a ruler are pretty much what you need. We will be using colored copper wire, brass, bronze, nickel and silver wire.

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